The best online prep you can find!
Learn How You Can Jump Your SAT® and ACT® scores, FAST!
The MTU program focuses on a diagnostic based learning system. Students take dozens of diagnostic tests that not only offer a huge variety of problems and concepts, but they also allow students to find and address weaknesses quickly and effectively. Every question on every test comes with a customized video that not only thoroughly explains that individual question, but also offers an additional question that tests the exact same concept so students can practice and solidify their new skills immediately. Watch and practice only the questions you struggle with and see how effective, time sensitive, and customized the MTU experience can be for you!

Why choose
Matt Todd!
Check out one of the explanation videos!
As ridiculous as it sounds, math and learning actually ARE enjoyable! The biggest issue is the environment that most teachers create and the model most tutorials follow. This doesn’t have to be slow. It doesn’t have to be one size fits all. More than anything, it can actually be fun! Check out this sample explanation, and see for yourself why MTU is revolutionizing the classroom.
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17 years in the making, MTU SAT is the best online resource, hands down

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More reasons To Choose Matt
MTU is dynamic and ever evolving. With almost 20 years of teaching experience, Matt has focused all of his mastery into designing a multifaceted, extremely effective program.
Diagnostic Based Learning
- Find what you lack, ASAP
- Learn how to fix your errors
- Practice to solidify understanding
- Repeat!
Index Video Library
- Specific concept based lessons
- Dozens of methodical explanations
- Watch only what you need
Speed Video Library
- Hundreds of shorter videos
- Actual test content
- Easy to enjoy and learn
Dynamic Video Libraries
- Weekly Video additions
- Never repeat content
- Constantly Continue Learning
Master Access
- Request Specific Videos *
- Send in Sample Questions
- Draw on Decades of expertise
Join the MTU Community
- Ever growing Alumni Network
- Draw on other students’ experiences
- Live the MTU Lifestyle
* Ask early and we will get to it as quickly as we can


Matt’s educational environment works because his students believe in it and work hard.
If you’re not sure that this is the right fit or if you have a question, just shoot Matt an email. This program is dynamic and customizable, so someone shooting for a 500 or an 800 can benefit. However, no one will benefit without effort and belief in the system. If you have a concern, reach out before joining.