Dr. Mike Murphy is an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor practicing in the Bay Area. He has been working with people to help all kinds of ailments stemming from restricted air flow as well as help educate parents and families about issues plaguing our youth. He was great. Enjoy!
You need to pat yourself on the back for this one and hug your neighbor.
Aaron Andrikopoulos is one of the two founding educators at AJ Tutoring. After playing water polo at Davis, he and his partner Joe decided to go into private education and have since built one of the largest privately owned education centers in the Bay Area. Speaking with him and hearing his passion for education and students is inspiring. Enjoy!
Lisa Disbrow taught in Northern California school districts for almost 40 years and recently retired in response to the ever changing political landscape in public education. Her stories and experiences starting as far back as the 1970s paint a very clear picture of the public school system and the powers at work within it.
Kathleen DeLaney is a seasoned civil litigator and mother of past and present SRVUSD students. We spoke expressly about the consequences and details of the Senate and Assembly bills on the table that would mandate vaccines, allow young people to receive vaccinations without parental knowledge or consent, and more. I love her perspectives and greatly appreciate her taking the time to speak with me. Enjoy!
Len Schultz is a School Site Counsel member in the SRVUSD as well as a parent of several current students. His insights into the shifting nature of the job and the shifting curriculum was important to hear. Enjoy!
There have been enormous strides in the LGTBQ+ community since I was a kid. More people have been able to express themselves and find acceptance within their communities than ever before, but the PRISM clubs that are all over SRVUSD are, in my opinion, putting that progress at great risk. This is likely an unpopular opinion with many, but unless something is done, these clubs may well take us backwards and do more harm than good.
They take so long to make, and the clean up is atrocious, but the compounding benefits are like guiding lights into tomorrow.
Ross Hillesheim is a member of the Contra Costa County planning commission, a member of the Alamo Sherif Police Service, a commercial developer, and an all around gem in our community. I greatly appreciate his perspectives on county growth and community struggles and am so thankful that he had the time to speak with me. Enjoy!
This is part 2 of Hellen of DV and her comments from the January 18th BOE meeting. Enjoy!