Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as is difficulty, and that’s a beautiful thing.
Can you really own something that only exists in the future?
Mike Mitchell is a local business owner, father of three, and an epic guy. He has been fighting endlessly to keep his business open, and I couldn’t appreciate him more for it. Enjoy!
A lot of people might looking forward to a costume party online this fall, but we need to realize that we’re already at the party.
In the world of equality, you can’t have A equal B but not have B equal A.
There's not a person alive that says impulsiveness is a virtue, but maybe that's a mistake.
Norman Greenbaum’s famous Spirit in the Skywas an instant classic, but was a classic then for reasons incomprehensible to those thinking it’s a classic now.
You can ask people to not throw things into the fan, and how they respond may tell you quite a lot about who and what they are.
Heather Hooper is a Chief Retirement Officer, Spartan racer, law maker, and an unabashed woman. There are so many takeaways from this one, I couldn’t do it justice. Enjoy!
If you hadn't seen this episode, you wouldn't be considering listening to it, but that's a universe away from reality.